tisdag 27 juli 2010

Games Final Workouts

Warmup: Dutch lowy wu+ backextension, ohs

Part A. Three rounds for time of:
30 Push-ups, release hands from floor at the bottom
12' Wall climb (upphopp/muscleup på balk i taket)
95 pound Overhead squat, 21 reps (43kg)
12' Wall climb (upphopp/muscleup på balk i taket)
Seven minute time cap. Score time of completion or reps completed within the cap.

Rest 30 seconds.

Part B. Three rounds for time of:
30 Toes to bar
95 pound Ground to overhead, 21 reps (43kg)
Seven minute time cap. Score time of completion or reps completed within the cap.

Rest 30 seconds. (blev strax över 1min ioch med förflyttnin till repet)

Part C. Three rounds for time of:
6 foot Wall jumps with burpee, 5 reps (burpee box jump på en ca 70cm låda)
20 ft Rope Climb, 3 ascents ca 15ft rope)
Twelve minute time cap. Score time of completion or reps completed within the cap

A: 102reps (1v+30,1,21)
B: 57 (1v+6)
C: 17 (2v+5,1)

Måste börja mer med lite svaghetsträning, s.k Goats.
Har visst mentalt problem med repet, blev bättre mot slutet men öva lite mer får det bli.

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