lördag 28 augusti 2010

Mainsite on the beach

Figured that I needed to tweak mainsite or do something completly different due to my vacation.
All the workouts have been bodyweight so just minor changes, and free wifi means that I can continue my geeky obsession of .com and blogging on my vacation aswell.

400m walking lunges

5 rounds for time of:
50 Jump and touch (roughly 15inch jump above tiptoe reach)
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
2*95m run
10 Pull-ups
Time: 31:59

Had to run to the pulluptree.

Post workout pose and drink.

onsdag 25 augusti 2010

Camping Rea

After another day of sightseeing in Meteora, walking up and down the stairs to the monestaries. We ended up at Camping Rea, fteroti, sithonia.
Placing the camper and the tent in a good spot then of too look for a good place for todays wod.

30-25-20-15 and 10 rep rounds of:
Box jumps, 24 inch box
Toes to bar(scaled to unachored situps, lack of bar)
Time: 13:42

Slow as a turtle, but hey might just have enjoyed the scenery a bit too much


tisdag 24 augusti 2010

CrossFit on the road

On holiday in Greece, spending some time in The Halkidi area with my family for a few days, today it have been monestary sightseeing in Meteora.

Haven't been blogging for a few days but this morning i could squeeze in a wod prior to leaving the camp site.

30 commando pullups(15 each side)
21 ringdips
50 squats
Time: 14:09


onsdag 18 augusti 2010


WU: Mobility drills, 500m row, Doubleunders


50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
Sit-ups (Unanchored)
Time. 7:58

Off PR by 6 seconds, cannot do the situps quicker than this, so might try the anchored version next time to see what happens.

W-pullups pronated grip

tisdag 17 augusti 2010

Backsquats and "Coe"

Backsquat Low bar



Ten rounds for time of:
95 pound Thruster, 10 reps (43kg)
10 Ring push-ups
Time: 17:26

First time trying to PR on Low-bar backsquat, had a 135kg high-bar backsquat.
Probably had more in the tank but didn't want to risk a fail, just when i did a 2*BW backsquat :)
weight on bar=145.7
weight in fivefingers= 70.9kg
Equals= 2.055*BW

The WoD.. thats a completly different story, thrusters suck... period... i have never really lerned how to do a them...and forgot to warmup the shoulders and elbows prior to "Coe", pretty sore at the moment.

måndag 16 augusti 2010

Fight Gone Bad

Monday, second time with the finnish guys at Camp Ville.

Todays workout were "Fight Gone Bad" 3 Rounds 1min at each station every rounds ends with 1 min rest, so 5min work 1min rest (Total 17min workout)
started at wallballs and had the rest after sumo deadlift high pull.

1. Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps) (had a 4kg ball)
2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps) (35kg)
3. Box Jump: 20" box (Reps)
4. Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps) (35kg)
5. Row: calories (Calories)

Round 1: 24,17,28,17,19
Round 2: 22,12,26,15,19
Round 3: 20,10,30,16,20
Total: 295 reps

Got my ass handed to me by a couple of finns ;)
Good work guys!!!

lördag 14 augusti 2010

Hot Day March

What kind of wonderful things can you do while in the army???
36km wearing a rucksack @ 14.5kg in 37-41degrees celsius.. just for run ;)

36km ruckmarch
Time: no time limit, just for fun and experience
Although roughly 7h20min including breaks.

The most fun bit about this is that i haven't walk or trained specifically for loadbearing walk.
At the moment iam probably one of the few that could walk this again tomorrow if necessary.
8 in the group, 1 DNF after 10km, 1 started to throw-up at 30k marker(finished though), 3 with blisters as large as pingpong balls, and the rest is just sore as hell.

My sore from walking on asphalt for 32km, 1 blister which i had when i started and two bruses between my legs from starting walking again after we crossed the finishing line.

Well se how my recovery is for tomorrow, i might be a little slow out of bed ; )

Although it was a strong finish by everyone!!!

fredag 13 augusti 2010


WU: 500m row, Mobility drills


Made sure that the form was keept, couldn't keep the redip as it should at 80kg so lower the weight


Three rounds for time of:
95 pound Ground to overhead, 10 reps
200 yard Shuttle sprint, 50 yards there and back twice
Time: 4:02

Could have got under 4min if i didn't need to breath during the last set.. ;)
First 10 over head unbroken, powersnatch. Round 2 6+4, round 3 5+3+2 powersnatch aswell.

3*12 strict pullups

A number i felt i could do for 3 sets. Ended up being quite hard for the last reps, could be because of the cleans and snatches.

torsdag 12 augusti 2010

Amrap:BS,OH and burpees

WU: Mobility drills, 500m row(1:48.2 @10), press

Press Wendler Deload week


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
185 pound Back squat, 7 reps (84kg)
45 pound dumbbell Overhead walking lunge, 10 steps (right hand) (21.3kg)
7 Burpees
45 pound dumbbell Overhead walking lunge, 10 steps (left hand) (21.3kg)

Rounds: 6R+ 3 Backsquats

Crap, a workout thats really hard to push thru... not to shabby results, but another guy at the gym did 6R+7,10 so kinda annoying to get beaten ;)

The backsquats were not a problem, the oh walking lunges were, the burpees were just a bitch as usual.

tisdag 10 augusti 2010

medium/long metcon

WU: Mobility drills, 500m row(1:46)

Wendler Bench deload week
50,7kg, 55,7kg, 60,7kg

Widergrip then usual and tried the feet of ground version, might attend a competition with those standards next month.

Continue with warmup for wod: a few reps of each with lesser weight and reps.


Five rounds for time of:
5 Muscle-ups
115 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps (50kg)
15 Toes to bar
20 GHD Sit-ups (MacGyver GHD)
Time: 19:58

Had a goal for sub 20min... just barely managed to do that, but hey i just did beat josh everett's time in a Wod(22:01) :) wohoo!
Still a few minutes behind the man himself, Spealler... or just hoping to finish the wod within the same hour.
No but seriously, tough wod and had to redo a few toes to bar and GHD situps.
All OHS unbroken, which was a huge suprise, didn't think that i would manage to keep'em unbroken after second round.

Tomorrow rest day, sometimes they just appear exactly where you want them.

måndag 9 augusti 2010

A date with Helen and the Finns

WU: Jog, jumps, squats etc, (running around leijon arena for about 10min)
burpee, sdlhp (15-10-5 with an easy pace, just did the 15 round + the 5 round, then keept an on the other guys form and gave some cues).

400m jog around the track, kb swing reviews and pullup review.

3Rounds of time:
400m run
21 KB swings@24kg
12 pullups
Time: 8:34 PR

Stoked at a good PR, think my last Helen were at 9:30.
Super sweet to train with the Finns at camp Ville, always fun to have people around that pushes you, makes you to get that extra rep and speed it up an extra bit.

söndag 8 augusti 2010

snatch, c&j samt amrap


Snatch, 1 rep

Clean and jerk, 1 rep

As many rounds and reps as possible in ten minutes of:
55kg Squat clean, 6 reps
12 Pull-ups
24 Double-unders
Rounds: 5 (210)

Add together the best snatch (in kg), the best clean and jerk (in kg), and the total reps performed in the triplet for your final score. Post score to comments.
Total: 65+80+210= 355 points

Lätt värk i axeln från förra veckan, inget tryck i kroppen(kan ha att göra med att jag inte åt innan passet) och mycket mer.
Har kört ganska mycket styrkelyft den senaste tiden, vilket har boostat marken, knäböjen samt bänken. men verkar ha gjort att mina snabba lyft ha fått lida lite..
Blir till att förbättra.

fredag 6 augusti 2010


1. L-pullups 3-5reps
2. widegrip MU rows*2

1. L-sit 10sec
2. reverse leglift headstand*3

2*basic ringstrength

Three rounds for time of:
50 Double-unders
25 Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball(5kg ball, the heaviest available)
Time: 9:32

Felt like no coordination whatsoever during the 2-fer-1s, had to redo a few reps as i did a normal wallball.
Very odd and very hard movement after a few reps, pretty tough to string together.

At the moment my shoulders feels wrecked... burpees, presses, squatclean/thruster and now doubleunders/wallballs... 3 hard days for the shoulders.

torsdag 5 augusti 2010

Squat clean thruster/Pullups


5rounds for time:
5 squat clean thrusters@60kg
10 Chest to bar pullups
Time: 8:52

A little too slow pace on the squatclean thrusters, this with counting down from 5 works pretty nice... but also requires you to start counting directly ;).
All pullups unbroken.

onsdag 4 augusti 2010

Deadlift, run/burpee

Pass 1:

WU: Dutch lowy warmup, powerclean technique and light deadlifts

125-143.5-159.8kg(5reps PR)

5*10 toes to bar (3sets no kip, 2 with kip

Deadlifts felt heavy, last max rep set stopped at 5 reps leaving roughly 2-3 reps left in the tank, a recommendation from Wendler if it feels really heavy.

Pass 2:

WU: Rodd(full speed, stop when tempo drops under PR speed, stopped at 400m), 1300m run, mobility drills.

wearing bodyarmor(~11kg)
6 rounds for time
200m run
15 burpees
Time: 12:25

Burpees wearing bodyarmor sucks... period!
Could have gone harder on the run, but hey burpees usually suck the life out of your legs after awhile but this was all arms.

Awesome, just doing it once and survive can be interesting but to keep coming back for more over and over again is something else.... sanity or not doesn't matter it's still needs some motivation.

måndag 2 augusti 2010

Bänk+ "Isabel"

Pass 1:

Dutch lowy warmup+ bänk


5*10 benchpress@42.5kg
5*10 Bar dips

Pass 2:

Dutch lowy warmup
Burgener warmup

Några snatch med vikt, 50-60kg

30 rep snatch@61kg
skalat till 50kg

Tid: 3:53 PR

Hade funderingen att köra Isabel as rxd för första gången idag, men 60kg känndes tungt och inga bumpers.. så kontrollerad nedtagning varje gång.
Men Blev ett schysst PR ändå :)

söndag 1 augusti 2010

Posterior chain... ganska segt


5*10 gluteham raises

Vila 10min

10*30sec backsprintar
30sec sprint
30sec vila uppe
Gå ned
1min vila vid start

Duktigt jobbigt på slutet av sprintarna.
Imorrn om något så borde jag få duktigt med träningsvärk.

Det är snart dags att sig en titt på vad de senaste 8veckorna träning har gett och försöka se vart jag ska ta vägen sen.
Ser ett stort håll i min press styrka, frivändningar samt i löpningen så det svaghets hållet måste snart täppas igen.