WU: Mobility drills, 500m row(1:46)
Wendler Bench deload week5-5-5
50,7kg, 55,7kg, 60,7kg
Widergrip then usual and tried the feet of ground version, might attend a competition with those standards next month.
Continue with warmup for wod: a few reps of each with lesser weight and reps.
WoD:Five rounds for time of:
5 Muscle-ups
115 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps (50kg)
15 Toes to bar
20 GHD Sit-ups (MacGyver GHD)
Time: 19:58
Had a goal for sub 20min... just barely managed to do that, but hey i just did beat josh everett's time in a Wod(22:01) :) wohoo!
Still a few minutes behind the man himself, Spealler... or just hoping to finish the wod within the same hour.
No but seriously, tough wod and had to redo a few toes to bar and GHD situps.
All OHS unbroken, which was a huge suprise, didn't think that i would manage to keep'em unbroken after second round.
Tomorrow rest day, sometimes they just appear exactly where you want them.