fredag 6 augusti 2010


1. L-pullups 3-5reps
2. widegrip MU rows*2

1. L-sit 10sec
2. reverse leglift headstand*3

2*basic ringstrength

Three rounds for time of:
50 Double-unders
25 Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball(5kg ball, the heaviest available)
Time: 9:32

Felt like no coordination whatsoever during the 2-fer-1s, had to redo a few reps as i did a normal wallball.
Very odd and very hard movement after a few reps, pretty tough to string together.

At the moment my shoulders feels wrecked... burpees, presses, squatclean/thruster and now doubleunders/wallballs... 3 hard days for the shoulders.

1 kommentar:

  1. Åh så du lyckades göra 2-fer-1s iaf. hur högt har ni i tak eller gjorde du den ute?? Något att öva på helt klart! Vila på bra nu sötnos!! Saknar dig puss

    ps. skulle behöva lite hjälp med kommande wods ds.
