lördag 14 augusti 2010

Hot Day March

What kind of wonderful things can you do while in the army???
36km wearing a rucksack @ 14.5kg in 37-41degrees celsius.. just for run ;)

36km ruckmarch
Time: no time limit, just for fun and experience
Although roughly 7h20min including breaks.

The most fun bit about this is that i haven't walk or trained specifically for loadbearing walk.
At the moment iam probably one of the few that could walk this again tomorrow if necessary.
8 in the group, 1 DNF after 10km, 1 started to throw-up at 30k marker(finished though), 3 with blisters as large as pingpong balls, and the rest is just sore as hell.

My sore from walking on asphalt for 32km, 1 blister which i had when i started and two bruses between my legs from starting walking again after we crossed the finishing line.

Well se how my recovery is for tomorrow, i might be a little slow out of bed ; )

Although it was a strong finish by everyone!!!

2 kommentarer:

  1. just for run?? Gissar att det ska vara just for fun baby! Så crossfit lönar sig då eller hur ska vi annars förklara skillnaden. Hur mycket tränar de andra normalt förresten??

    Saknar dig <3

  2. just for fun.... hahaha. tur att det finns saker för alla som roar.... här försökte jag springa när det var 36 grader i skuggan. ( o vi sprang inte i skuggan;)
    o det var INTE kul.....
    nu ses vi snart :)
